Monday, March 11, 2013

Now is the time

For too long I have held back on doing the things that are good for me, trusting to my own instincts. I allowed the opinions of others to override my own voice, but now I am breaking with the past and the rut. I am recentering myself in the present. I have found that there are so many out there that have felt the same way. Frustrated for so long, it is time to redefine my path in life and chart the course that I want to take. I am doing it from an inner sense of knowing, using my intuitive connectivity with the universe to create joy and happiness in my life. Some call it the path of the heart, which seems an apt description. It was a rough year last year for me and for many others. My sister's passing was a bombshell in the middle of my life and caused me more upset than I could have possibly imagined. I am doing better with that now. This year has been different. The energies are more supportive of positive change and the way is clear to do the things that have been on the drawing board for so long. The messages from the spiritual side of life have been supportive of renewal. There is a certain diligence and focus required to achieve the path, but the path is there again, where I had felt it had disappeared completely. I am not alone in these feelings; I know so many other Lightworkers who have felt the same and they are also rededicating themselves to their higher purpose in this world. The calling of our hearts cannot be ignored anymore. We need to work together to make this a better world. There still so much work to be done. The planet still needs us to be who we are. The way is clear for us to walk forward and make a difference in this world.

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