Tuesday, December 6, 2011

18 x 24 Acrylic painting

     The last two paintings I painted were the result of a grand adventure I had while working in archaeology. I was doing some fieldwork in northeastern Utah some years ago and I had the notion to paint some of the photos that I took along the way. 'Endurance' was painted from a photo I took on the McConkie ranch where I was graphing petroglyphs. I was intrigued by the way the tree was perched on the rocks out of which it was growing. 'Canyons' is from a photo I took near Flaming Gorge. The ridges and the rocks were interesting to me. I love nature and it was interesting to experience the different landscapes that I encountered on my cross country trip. I wish I had taken more pictures.

This painting is available on my website http://artoftheage.com

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Website progress and jewelry sale.

I've been very busy working on my new website http://artoftheage.com . It's been a lot of work, and I know it will evolve as I start to do some of the things that I have been putting off for the last few years. All in all, a good week and the site, I think, looks really nice. You'll have to check it out for yourself. Jewelry is on sale - 20 % off - and free shipping in the continental US.
In addition to contemporary art in acrylics and pastels, I also do Pet Portraits and Soul Portraits. Gift certificates are available.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Prints and other things on my Deviant Art webpage

I now have some prints, greeting cards, mouse pads and magnets of my art and photos available on my Deviant Art website. http://artoftheage.deviantart.com 

New Painting

'Canyons' is an original acrylic painting 24" x 20" and is available at http://artoftheage.com

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Western Black Rhino

It is very sad to hear that despite conservation efforts, people are still taking unnecessary advantage of other species and driving them to the brink of extinction. Apparently, the Western Black Rhino has been wiped out by poachers. Efforts are being made to save the Northern White Rhino.  According to one of the articles there are only 8 left in existence and a breeding program is underway to save this animal.

Articles on the Western Black Rhino:
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45236688/ns/world_news-world_environment/  http://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/subspecies-of-western-black-rhino-now-extinct-20111111-1na28.html   

The Northern White Rhino conservancy:
If you are able and so inclined, there is a donation link on their site.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Getting organized

I am testing the new interface to see if this posts correctly.

Ok, it is apparently working just fine. I was having trouble posting for a long time.  So now I can start again.

October, for me, was a time of renewal.  I started painting again. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Looking up

Yesterday I was offered the job and I took it. I am putting in my notice today. It's a beginning, I still have a lot of work to do to get my life in order, but at least I am on my way. The change will do me good. I am starting to feel better about myself, although I am having to work very hard at everything to maintain a positive stance. Getting off working nights was my main motivation for the determined search, and well, sometimes you just take what's available until other things take flight.

I started meditating and conversing with my guides and the masters again and did a little channeled writing. I never really stopped talking with them, but I used to write a lot more. It helped get me through the week of waiting for the phone call and I was able to focus on issues in the world consciousness once more. So I am working hard at being me again. It never used to be work, life flowed better a few years ago. There are a lot of people I know that are going through the same thing; getting fed up with the status quo is very motivating. It is time for some major improvement.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


The frustration mounted to an unenduring pitch this past week. The lack of sleep became chronic. I was almost in tears. So, last Friday I pulled myself together and pushed myself to go out and apply to some places in person, not just online. I have never had trouble finding jobs in the past and have been really perplexed that I have not found another job despite the effort of the last couple of years. I have an interview on Thursday. I aim to get the job, and then keep looking for something that is more fulfilling. Right now I am simply motivated to get myself off the night thing. I realize that I may have to work 2 jobs, but I am sure that I will work something out.
I am still trying to figure out what to do with my degree. This is the biggest frustration for me. I didn't go through all of that schooling to still be working in low paying jobs. But with budget cuts and lack of contracts, the industry has bee hurting, hardly any field work. So, what am I to do? I know a PhD that has been having trouble finding work. So I am trying to think of more creative solutions to my dilemma.
Those creative solutions primarily revolve around my artwork. I need to start inputting some time and energy into the more meaningful aspects of my life. I know that once I do enough of it that my life will open up and things will flow better. Focus has been a big problem for me the last couple of years, despite all of my training to the contrary. Heck, I used to teach that in my meditation classes. No job is worth what I feel I am putting myself through just to make some money. There are plenty of other fish in the sea and I will find what I need for survival until I generate the things that will allow me to thrive more than ever. Right now getting off the night job is my main motivation. I have an interview on Thursday, pray for me.
I feel like I am putting myself back together again. I started sketching out some ideas for a painting the other day. I haven't done that for awhile. I want to take my artwork to new levels, new places, but I got stalled out in early 2010 just after doing the seagull pastel and starting a painting from a picture that I took in Utah. I simply need to do more.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Balance, self-approval and expectations

Life is changing and the requirements for maintaining functionality are also. I feel like I am being torn apart sometimes. I know that it is nothing personal, just my own sensitivities to the changes in energies that are occurring on the planet. I have my good days and not so good days, like everyone else. I would rather have more good days now. Lately, I start to make forward progress and something comes up to challenge or cross me. I am very tired of this; I just want to make the changes and get on with it. I feel like I am wasting a lot of time every time that I have to regain my equilibrium. Things were never like this. I expect better from myself and the world around me.

I have been moving internally at first and now externally, toward making some changes that will set a better course in my life. I deserve to be happy, and there is no time like the present to have that happiness. I am making progress, especially in taking care of my body. Going back to the gym was the best thing I have done in awhile. I do not want it to be the only good new thing that I am doing, but with the change in energy, came some physical challenge. I am working through it, but I am greatly annoyed and distracted from my chosen course because of it. I am praying to get over it as quickly as possible. I would rather not say what it is; I don't want to give it any energy anymore. I am ok. I prefer to think of myself in terms of wholeness and well-being, as that is my natural state, regardless of some minor occurrences in the physical. I expect to be well, all the time. By the way, the energy in my body shifted before I went back to the gym, not after. Going to the gym has helped tremendously in more than just a physical way.

I just want to be myself, in all the wonderful ways that I can be. This largely centers around work related issues. I really want to get back to teaching classes/workshops again. I feel that I have a lot to share and some new things to present if I just spend some time gathering the information. I also plan on painting as much as possible, I have so many ideas now and I know that my guides favor that route as well. I have a lot of paintings in my head already, but that doesn't do anyone any good unless I paint them. I also want to get back to doing something in archaeology. I am hoping that the 2 firms in the area have some work this season. There hasn't been any work for the last few seasons (years). It's nice money and it's my field. I love archaeology. I miss it and want to get more experience in it. I have some ideas for research, but need to buy books, so as I change to a more abundant lifestyle, I can resume my interests. Why else did I spend about 10 years of my life in school, if not to use my education and work in the field of my choosing?

I also need to socialize and meet new people, but that isn't a problem once I am able to leave the hotel. Working nights is not conducive to doing the things that I need to do to promote myself and the things that I do. I need to move on. As the phrase goes, now is the time.