Greetings, we are here to extend the Light of inspiration to all those who are in need of some upliftment. The planetary processes are proceeding at a quickened pace. It is difficult for many of the aware to retain their balance in the flux of shifting energies that is occurring around them. To this we would say that the best way to maintain one's self under the current conditions is to continually work at anchoring Light in and around you. It is through meditation and energy work that one will find salvation from the storm that is brewing around them. Some days will be better than others, as you are all working hard at clearing the codes of the old age and activating the codes for the new age. You all carry a piece of the puzzle. We would remind you that you are all volunteers for this assignment and no one said it would be easy. Nor did we know how the changes would affect you all directly, as individuals.
You are all working diligently to clear the codes of the old age and establish the codes of the new age. This work is of great importance, and while it is often difficult and challenging, you must all know how valuable your service is to the planetary consciousness as a whole. It is time for the people to return to the knowledge of the Oneness of nature and the consciousness that is inherent in all Life surrounding. Nature is to be restored to a pristine state and the consciousness of the planet along with it. The renewal of her form is reliant upon the change that can be affected in the awareness of the people of the planet. Ways and means are to be produced, based on ancient techniques and knowledge is to be disseminated for use by the masses. The distribution of knowledge through the enlightenment proceedings will trigger greater response ad infinitum until all upon the planet are raised up and join in the singing of the One Song.
We are entering a time of peace and prosperity. The world will no longer be held by the dark regimes that have held sway for so long. The Light shall prevail, my friends, the Light shall prevail. Do not be discouraged by the events on the surface. The circumstances within which you reside will shift and change according to your ability to stand firm in the Light of who you are. The struggles are ending; this is a time of rejoicing. You all have a choice and we urge you to continue to choose the best that you are. Rise above and you will See clearly, without obstruction, what is truly possible. New work will be handed to you. Flow with the changes, you will create as you wish and in the end you will marvel at the beauty of Life surrounding. Remember from whence you came and why you chose this mission. Peace be with you.
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